From PROFINET Directly Into The Cloud!


March 12, 2021

From PROFINET Directly Into The Cloud!

The need to connect to higher communications levels are not only in fieldbus networks or fieldbus couplers but also across the entire product portfolio for “industrial communication”. Helmholz wanted to establish a product that would have technical realization of gateways, ensures absolute user-friendliness, so that the type of configuration is intuitive for many customers. This familiarity provides many users with an impulse to accept the theme of modern connectivity and system networking.

With the new PN/MQTT Coupler, Helmholz expands its previous product portfolio to fieldbus gateways with another type of communication.

The PN/MQTT Coupler, the direct transmission of data between a PROFINET machine (PLC) and a MQTT broker is possible. All settings for the MQTT connection can be done on the web page of the device. The PN/MQTT Coupler can connect brokers both locally in the own network (“On premise”) as well as via the Internet in the cloud.

The MQTT protocol has become established in recent years as a simple transmission protocol for messages in the IoT world and is an OASIS standard. The MQTT protocol always uses a central broker for communication between devices, which receives messages from. When a sensor sends data to the broker, it is called a “publish”. If a device needs data, it must subscribe to the broker (“Subscribe”). The broker delivers the data to all subscribers when new data has arrived from the publisher.

Can’t wait want to know more, please do contact us for further information.