Supply Chain Automation – the use of digital technologies to enhance efficiencies, connect applications and streamline processes within operations.
Uses of Supply Chain Automation
Managing Inventory – Realtime inventory monitoring, expiration date tracking as well as location identification with the use of RFID or barcode.
Managing Warehouse – Image analysis of palletized boxes, automated generation of picking lists packing slips as well as automated recommendations on the proper package that will best fit the order.
Managing Sales Order – Automated order routing for best inventory location for fulfillment as well as estimation of Date of Delivery to buyer based on historical date.
Managing Supplier Relationship – Pre-qualification of new suppliers based on basic data gathered. Compliance and performance monitoring and automated order request once inventory reached the minimum stocks.
Managing Logistics – Real time tracking and automated route suggestion for best delivery time.
Automated Supply Chain will surely bring benefits, equivalent to precise production and planning of inventory, quicker order fulfilment, better resource utilization, and more visibility into a supply chain to better manage risk. However, automation could be a complicated and long initiative, thus, it requires preparation, studies and correct execution to obtain optimal benefits.
Article inspired from scnsoft.com
Ti2, together with its partner Codesys, offers automation software.
To know more about this automation software, please click here.