1.ProfiNet configuration with epGate PN
2. IP Settings for epGate PN
3. EtherNet/IP Configuration with epGate PN
The epGate PN implements a gateway between an EtherNet/IP scanner (e.g. a Rockwell PLC) and up to 32 PROFINET devices. While the gateway’s upper RJ45 socket connects to the EtherNet/IP network as a so-called Adapter (slave), the gateway acts as a PROFINET controller (master) through its lower RJ45 socket. This allows for integration of PROFINET devices and subsystems into EtherNet/IP applications. The Communication Configuration Tool that comes with epGatePN assists in defining the PROFINET configuration and provides ready to use symbolic mapping information for the EtheNet/IP PLC’s engineering software. This way the user is relieved from the error-prone task of defining data for both sides of the gateway individually.
1.ProfiNet configuration with epGate PN
2. IP Settings for epGate PN
3. EtherNet/IP Configuration with epGate PN